Friday, January 12, 2007

I've been laying low, licking my wounds from Monday's debacle. Time to move on, it was after all, only a football game.
Those of you who know me well, know I have always enjoyed swimming against the stream, rocking the apple cart as it were. I read the following in an article in a 2006 issue of Climbing Magazine and liked it enough to write it down. Now I'm not saying that I think I am some kind of paradigm shifter who has the key to unlock some brave new world, just that I like thinking outside the box.
Unconscious, unexamined beliefs create our reality. Significant advances occur when the current paradigm is challenged and overturned. This happens when people, often a single, open-minded individual “see” the world in a brand new way.”

“There are no limits...except those we impose on ourselves by closing our eyes to the endless potential all around us. The next paradigm shift might be just around the corner. What will the “new world” look like?”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

right on!