Friday, April 13, 2007

The following was posted to our team email list on Jan. 26 by my team mate Andy:
I picked up Joe Holmes yesterday at the ferry dock and delivered him to his previous elbow surgeon to perform magic on his fleshly broken elbow. For those of you that don't know, Joe was cruising up a climb with his business partner and they hooked bars that resulted in Joe going down and breaking his elbow (same one he did last fall on the track). This required surgery and I am happy to report that the surgeon did not have toe re-break his first fracture to repair the second, which could have happened.

When I picked him up he did mention that TST is 11 weeks out. Very fitting and optimistic form the Buckeye. Don't put it past Joe that he is truly thinking about being on a 100% form for this spring classic that he covets. It would be a miracle, but he is a Buckeye and because of that anything can happen.
Well, TST is tomorrow, and I am registered. I may not be 100%, but I am at least 85%. So I say: Maybe miracles do happen, bring it on.

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