Thursday, May 17, 2007

My guess is that most of you that check out this blog are also following the soap opera that is happening in Malibu (perfect place for a soap opera) right now. That soap opera of course is the Floyd Landis hearings. The picture to the right is of Will Geoghegan and I will sheepishly admit that Will has some Buckeye roots. Will hails from the Cincinnati area and was known to do some bike racing there. Will was, until yesterday, Floyd's manager. That was terminated after it was brought to everyone's attention that Will tried a little phone intimidation on one of USADA's witnesses, none other than Greg LeMond. Trouble is, Will used a traceable number, namely his own cell phone. Not smart Will. Catch a Soprano's episode, notice that they use pay phones. Maybe it is all those years that Will has lived in San Diego that has dulled his brain power because no self-respecting Buckeye would use a traceable phone to intimidate any witnesses. Shame on you Will.


Old as dirt said...

And here was I thinking Buckeye's always used pay phones to intinidate witnesses!!!
Some of them also use elbow braces to Intimidate, I hear ;-)

Old as dirt said...

Intimidate!!!! Dang who moved that M key!