DOWNRIGHT GIDDY That's what I was this past Saturday when no less than 9 people showed up over here in
Kitsap County to do a bike ride. You see, although we have a fair number of bike riders over here, most are riding around on
recumbents, so having 9 guys who have a clue doing a bike ride together made me happy as a kid on Christmas.
I sent out an email invite on Thursday night since there was no bike racing to be had in the area (what's up with that by the way, 3 day weekend and no bike racing?). Mike Hone loaded up the
HB team van with Bing,
Dakin and Brown.
Bethel made the trek over on the ferry because he overslept his own team ride (it's
ok that we were the fall back choice Jason), Higgins drove over and we met some guys on the road. And although Hone's girlfriend induced alarm-clock-tractor-beam meant shortening my planned route somewhat, we still managed a respectable 3 hour-100K ride and even delivered
Bethel to the ferry terminal with 15 minutes to spare catching a boat home.
Hopefully this won't be a one time deal and more guys will make the not-that-far-away trek to experience the superior riding of
Kitsap County. Do it.