Thursday, January 08, 2009


USA Cycling seeks volunteer collegiate conference director

USA Cycling is recruiting a volunteer director of the Atlantic Collegiate Cycling Conference (ACCC) which covers North Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington, D.C.). The volunteer will work to promote the growth of collegiate cycling through individual membership growth, member retention, club stability, and new club development and will attend conference-related races, events and schools to support conference activities. He or she will coordinate conference scoring, results and rankings for each race, event and season and contribute conference news to USAC's website and other outlets. The position will require significant work during business hours.

Seriously USAC?, volunteer? Are you kidding me? Especially when the job description states that the position "will require significant work during business hours." I mean WTF?! Is this part of their long term plan to promote cycling in this country, seek volunteers to run multi-state conferences?

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