Monday, July 14, 2008


I regret to inform everyone that we have had to cancel the Whale of a Crit this year. This decision was based on a number of factors all adding up to a situation where we felt like we would not be able to put on an event that met our standards. We made every effort possible to pull the event off and only made the decision to cancel at the eleventh hour after it became apparent that we would be unable to address all of the issues that sprang up in the past few weeks.

I would personally like to apologize to everyone who made adjustments to their schedules to accomodate the Whale of a Crit, most notably Eric Anderson who moved the Team Trial Championships for our race. My apologies also to those individuals who find themselves unable to compete in both the Senior Games and the Team Time Trial Championships as they now fall on the same weekend. Please accept my sincerest apologies as I know this was quite a topic of discussion this spring. I also would like to apologize to those of you who were targeting the Washington Cup and now find the series one race less.

Those of you who have participated in our events these past few years know that we try to put on the best event possible in terms of race course, event atmosphere and prize list. We just felt that we would not be able to meet all of our criteria and did not want to make due with what we were going to end up with.

I am sorry for all the inconvenience that this had caused and I hope that this will not influence anyone to not take part in our events in the future. If anyone wishes to contact me personally please feel free to do so.

Thank you,

Joe Holmes
Ridge Racing


Anonymous said...

Nobody should blame you, we all know you tried your best..
You organize some great crits, everything can't always work out.

justfivegrins said...

"...I hope that this will not influence anyone to not take part in our events in the future."

Don't use no double negatives!

Hey whatever the circumstances surrounding the cancellation I'm sure it wasn't without much trepidation and numerous hours of behind-the-scenes hard work beforehand. Looking forward to the Kirkland & Blackberry Crits.

Anonymous said...

Bremerton? Winslow? WSBA mail said neither we permitted yet.