Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Anyone who is on the NWCycling email list has probably already seen this. "Peter McKay Post"

If you haven't, click on it and read, prepare to get mad. It is making me angry, very angry. Dipshit motorists better be on alert when I go ride my bike today. Don't cross me, not today. You have been warned.

Anyone who rides a lot with me knows that I have a hair trigger 97% of the time in response to hillybilly, red-neck, ignorant, dipshit motorists. I don't take any shit from anyone. I know the zen, passive way is to turn the other cheek, say a mantra, etc. when someone in a car does something stupid. Sometimes though you need to just say "f*%k that".

I took a beer bottle to the face from a car going in the opposite direction when I was 18 years old riding to a club race. 20 stitches, 22 years and 2 detached retina surgeries later and I still get pissed. This guy's incident is just like mine, arguably worse.

I am really pissed right now. F*#kers.


Anonymous said...

Joe, there's a ton of comments in support for him, however someone needs to alert the media and make a story about this. Otherwise only cyclists will know this is going on.


Anonymous said...

It's been on all three local news channels, and had a big article in the times. Check bikehugger.com for more links.

Todd said...

Joe- Be careful man. Those rednecks you confront could have guns, etc.