have once again been lame and not updated this thing in some time. I guess being busy will do that to you. Not that I have had a lack of topics to blog on, just a lack of time. I will try to hit the highlights to catch up.
OSU 14, That team from up north 3For the 6
th time in the last 7 years, The Ohio State Buckeyes handed the Wolverines a defeat. The maize and blue were unable to send out Loyd Carr with a victory over the sweater vest.
STATE CROSS CHAMPIONSHIPS:We had a great turn out at the Fairgrounds Cross Classic/ Washington State Championships back on Nov. 18. We had close to 200, not quite what the Series has been getting every weekend, but considering that we had 28 total last year, I would say it was a success.
BRI went 1-2 in the men's main event. And then there was G. Brown. Let's just say, at least he beat one guy.
LA BOUND:The very next day after the cross race, I flew to Los Angeles. Business trip. Don't laugh, it's true.
Seigler sponsored the
SBW Elite Women's team in 2007 with our
Komen for the Cure Bikes and they were having an open house. I met up with them and some other clubs down there to see about 2008. Oh yeah, I took my bike too. Sunshine, shorts and short sleeve jersey, sunscreen,
Ipod, and 2 great rides along
PCH and up some climbs in the Santa
Monicas. I did
Mulholland on Tuesday and
Latigo on Wednesday. Half of Wednesday's ride was on the bike path along the beach. I got to see stuff like this:

That's right, it's a beach volleyball game....with girls in bikinis. This was the day before Thanksgiving. I had a lot to be thankful for.
THE IDIOT TAX:Yeah, I had a lot to be thankful for. Until the next day that is, when I went downstairs from where I was staying to get into my rental car, which had my bike box with bike inside of it, to drive to the airport. Only to discover....the rental car was no where to be seen. Nowhere, zip, zilch,
nada, gone. You know that sinking feeling you hear about? I got it. I didn't like it. Especially not at 8 am in the morning, before I had any coffee. I called the
Redondo Beach Police and told them my car was missing. They had no record of a car getting towed from that street. That meant the car was stolen. Fantastic. I did not pop for the extra rental car insurance either. This was going to suck. A lot. There was a guy out front drinking coffee. I talked really loud on the phone to my lady hoping he would eavesdrop and maybe be able to tell me something. He did, said his daughter told him a car got towed last night. Right then, the
Redondo Police called me back. Turns out my car did get towed.
Apparently when I parked the car the night before I had
inadvertently put part of the car in front of a driveway. So they towed it. Says something about your day when the good news is that your car got towed. Well, a cab ride and $275 later I got my rental car out of the tow lot. I got to pay the idiot tax, because I was an idiot. That left me little time to get to the airport in time for my flight. I had to speed, very fast. My day would be complete if I got a speeding ticket. I didn't. And I made my flight....because it was 1 hour late. Happy Thanksgiving.
THE DELUGEWhat the hell was up with the weather this week? It rained over 10 inches in a 24 hour period over here. I think I saw animals assembling in pairs. Why couldn't it be snow, at least then there would be some fun to be had after it was all finished. One of my routes out of town is no more because there is a giant SUV swallowing sink hole where the road used to be. My basement got extra wet. No standing water though, just a few more damp seepage spots. We were lucky by the sounds of it. The next day the winds came. I was preparing for another power outage like we had the month before where I had to resort to this to get my morning java fix (I like my coffee):

BUCKEYES!!! (and more importantly: PITT! and
Yep, the improbable (or impossible) happened and the Buckeyes are playing for the National Championship against
LSU. After their loss to Illinois (at home), my thoughts were that they did not deserve to play for a national championship. No one, including myself, really thought the Buckeyes would be towards the top of the rankings when the season started and they were ranked 11
th after losing a number of last year's team to the NFL in 2007. Well, the regular season is over, and they are ranked number 1 and will be playing for the National Championship against
LSU. Now, I don't want to hear about how they only got in because of their weak schedule or any of that other BS. According to the guidelines set out by the
BCS, the Buckeyes are currently ranked number 1. I am happy they are playing
LSU too because I am sick and tired about hearing about
friggin' LSU and how great they are and how they are undefeated in regulation. The last time I looked, if you were tied in regulation, you went into overtime, whoever had the most points at the end of the overtimes got 1 marked in the "W" column, the other team got 1 marked in the "L" column. I believe
LSU has 2 marked in the "L" column. Buckeyes, they have 1 there. Bottom line: Buckeyes are playing for the National Championship for the second year in a row and for the 3rd time since the
BCS started.
Go Buckeyes!!!